Now a days people shares their own life to make money online. This beauty blogging is one of them that you can use for making money. You don’t to be a women for this you can be a men also. Men can also open beauty blogs because their is no rule that they can do so. There is a trick if you are a men a men and like to open your beauty relevant blog. This trick is your website need to according skin and hair care about grooming of men’s and that it, you are ready to get started.
Today’s topic is about how you can start your own beauty relevant blog under $30. You can think that it might not possible but you are completely thinking wrong. Firstly think about those things that you need to get started. The main thing is a domain and hosting. You just need to spend money on only this two mainly.
Choosing the domain is very tricky part on this project as your whole website will depend on this. is the best place for getting domain. They sell domains on a pretty cheap rate which is much more less then others.
You should choose a name according to your liked keyword but avoid using any number or sign on domain name. Always go with .com domain because people can remind this domains very easily. You can also choose .me its also easy to remember but avoid the others.
Go on and search for your domain and if its available then buy it on that time. It can be sold out any time so so don’t think after choosing the name of it. You will not get more cheaper then this.
Then you need to buy hosting for your website and you can also buy it on a very cheap price on godaddy. As you are just starting your business so you can go with the economy plan of it.
so bot the domain and hosting will going to charge you about $11 and the rest $19 is still on your hand. I will tell you what you need to with with it after that.
Now you need to create your content once you will set up your website. You can go with wordpress for your website. You can set up this anytime and don’t need any other person for that. Godaddy offers one click installation for wordpress and it take less then 5 minute to set a wordpress website.
Now the question is what kind of blog you need to write for your website? You share those things that you knows very well or also can check out other treading beauty websites and follow their trends. You can also learn from them and then you can write your blogs about those topics. Its not so much tricky process. If you passionate about beauty then its is going to be a very easy work for you.
Once you are done with your beauty blogs you can open a facebook page of your website. Give all the details of your website on the facebook page and make sure that you have also given your website url. Its a very must thing that most of the bloggers forget to do.
Post your blogs from there also and post about small make up or skin or hair care tips from your page. You can also make live videos and discuss about this trick with other people. This part will going to help you a lot.
You have to spend that $19 on facebook for getting page like. I will get at last 2k likes on facebook from this ammount or even can get more if you can make peoples interested on your page.