Freelancing can be your full time or part time job but you need to follow same rules for maintaining it. This tricks can give you that opportunity to be your own boss. This tricks is easy to maintain if you keep this doing on a regular way.
So let get started with the very first trick and that always take those works that you really can. You might be thinking that why anyone will do such as that thing. Let me explain you that.
Suppose someone post a job that he needs a website in wordpress and you have applied on that. He only have mention that he needs a website in wordpress but don’t have share all the details about what actually he liked to have on that website.
As he liked your cover letter, he give you the job. You also have excepted the job as you know about wordpress and able to create a website with it but you don’t have any coding knowledge.
After you started working for your client he told you something to do that is only possible with coding that you can’t able to do. In that case client will end the job and give you a very bad feedback and you also will not get paid for the works you have done.
For avoiding this kind of condition, talk to your clients in details about the whole work and then if you really able to do so then accept it. After having a discussion, you can also make a list of the details and send it to your clients to make sure that he include everything. I always recommend you to do so. Its a pretty simple trick to keep everything on track.
The second trick is about your budget. This is very must thing that you needed to be do when you will work hourly for your client. Give him the estimate time that you needed to done the whole work and try to complete your work by that time.
Never track an extra hours without the permission of your client, it puts a very bad impact on your projects. If you need more hours to complete that work then talk to your clients about that and then work on that time.
Make sure that your project is ready before the deadline. Never get late on this. This is very important thing that you must need to maintain as a freelancer.